Did you ever take time to think about what God feels when He looks down from Heaven at the mess we have created?
We question His presents, His involvement, based on how we view His involvement in our lives, but at the same time express a true desire to want to do our own thing; believing we are fully in control of ever situational outcome. We only ask Him for help when we physically run into a brick wall and have no solution to our dilemma. We blame Him if the answer doesn’t meet with our time frame or what we thing the answer should reveal.
What would or should God do to correct the world’s situation and not jeopardize His present direction, hope, and love to us? Would He include the desires of our heart or simple do His own things and not consider our input? How would He handle it and would we be pleased with the outcome?
- God could let things drift on as they are with the present mixture of pain and pleasure we all experience. He could adopt the pose of the absentee, disinterested God. In doing so he would, of course, deny his love. He would publicly, as it were, give up on his creation - giving up on loving it, give up on desiring its healing. The cry of the martyrs How long, how long O Lord would go unanswered except with a shrug of the shoulders from the almighty indicating that they - and we - are just going to have to live without hope. That's not an encouraging scenario.
- The second possibility would be for God to re-engineer us so that we became those automatons that we prefer not to be. That too would be a denial of the love principle embedded in creation. Just as we cannot have meaningful relationships with a bunch of robots on the factory floor, neither could God have meaningful relationships with a rewired humanity.
- The third option would be to wipe it all out and start again - wipe the slate clean - re-visit the Flood - but do it more thoroughly. But that too is to admit defeat and, moreover, it is the path he said he would not go down.
- That leaves the fourth option which is to judge the world as he finds it. Respecting our freedom and the choices we make, he could nevertheless decide to preserve what is good and to purge what is bad - in other words to judge - to discriminate - and to separate.
Certainly based on the compassion of God, He would only want to pursue the fourth option, and that is exactly what He is doing. So the next time you blame God, understand the problem is not with Him…it is with us. Just something to think about!