Fishing evangelism is different. Most Christian’s workers struggle with evangelism; therefore, so rarely dot it. Jesus said that evangelism is fishing for people. Fishing, not hunting. Instead of indiscriminate evangelism, you fish out seekers from among indifferent or antagonistic people. It is what Jesus did and what both Paul and Peter taught. You discover seekers by putting out bait to elicit questions; in your neighborhood, workplace, or campus. Bait comes in two kinds:
Your life: Personal integrity, you character, moral purity, graciousness, and truthfulness. Quality work for the employer, as thought he were Jesus Christ! Paul insists that a caring loving relationship cost time and energy, but your ability to give of yourself shows others that you truly care about them.
Your words: Brief, appropriate comments about God, tactfully inserted into secular conversation offers advancement in areas that normally are closed. Bait is tiny; you drop small spiritual bombshells in a casual, natural way, then simply stand back and watch how God makes the change. This leaves people free to ask questions, but only if they feel they are have not been places in the spotlight.
There is nothing but benefits to this approach:
- For the fisherman...evangelism becomes enjoyable, because the seeker is asking all the questions.
- For the fisherman...evangelism is patient and kind, allowing the seeker to pace the conversation as they are ready. We some times turn people off by saying too much.
- For the fisherman...evangelism of this type shows respect. You treat the person, not as an object, but a real person who may be in need of help; help that only you can give.
- For the fisherman...evangelism maybe right on target; not a stab in the dark to find out what their evangelic temperature is an any given time.
- For the fisherman...evangelism is culturally sensitive. You are only answering questions that where asked, thus you are not pushing an agenda.
- For the fisherman...evangelism is discreet. You have reduced the concept of a spiritual hostile environment that could blow up in your face.
- For the fisherman...evangelism is Biblical. As Jewish hostility grew, Jesus simply taught in parables to offer new light on the same subject.
For the seeker there are also benefits:
- For the seeker...they can take it all in within their timing, not yours.
- For the seeker...they soon see that you really care and are there for them through each situation, not just specific ones.
- For the seeker...they don't feel like they have been used; to check off that a Christian got another’s on his or her belt.
- For the seeker...many times, like a fish, they are not aware that they are hooked until it is too late, or they really desired to bait and would risk everything to get was their choice, not the fisherman.
Peter says, "Be ready to answer the questions." Paul says, "Know how to answer." We all need to give fishing a try, but remember -- Let the Holy Spirit finish the caught!