Every person is on a Search for Significance! We try to find significance through our personal relationships, work efforts, or the ability to achieve goals, but in every area, we always seem to come up short. Too often we spend our entire life looking for significance only to find that our diligent efforts have been placed in the wrong arena. I like what Stephen Covey says, "Sometimes we spend our entire life trying to get to the top of the ladder only to get to the top and discover that we had it leaning against the wrong wall."
In God, we have all the significance we will ever need! We where created in His likeness and image to have both an internal and external purpose. Too often we focus our need for significance in insignificant areas: such as our success that are based on personal goals that we will never achieve. Much of what our society has elevated to top priority positions is insignificant in light of eternity.
As I sit here sharing my heart, I suggest I am not so different from you all. We too seek the statements like: "job well done", but are we like you looking for it in the wrong place. I am reminded, we all need to "seek first the kingdom of God" verses simply expecting the acceptance from others after completing a task. By keeping Him and His eternal purpose first, we should be able to fulfill each daily priority better; by changing the priorities of life from centering on "me-first", we don't have to worry about the acknowledgements that will alway fade away with time. The Message New Testament says, "Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don't worry about missing out. You will find all your everyday human concerns will be met." No one ever missed out by putting God first.
The best information available says - that we will not regret the things we did wrong as much as we will regret failing to live life passionately based on a specific purpose in mind. Where do the things of God fit into your priorities? Is God and His eternal purposes first in your life? Each of us need to answer these questions personally. It is something that can't be fixed by someone else!
Since our significance comes from God; certainly, if given the chance, all the other areas of life will follow accordingly!
"You will find, as you look back upon your life, that the moments
that stand out are the moments when you have done things for others"