Obama, then, found himself in a place where he seems most comfortable, splitting the difference on a tough issue and presenting it as the course of reasoned judgment rather than of dogmatic ideology. Where Bush saw black and white, Obama sees gray. Where Bush favored swagger, Obama is searching for a more supple blend of force and intellect. Where Bush saw Islamic extremism as an existential threat equivalent to Nazism or Communism, Obama contends that that view warps the situation out of proportion and plays into terrorists’ hands by elevating their stature and allowing them — even without attacking again — to alter the nature of American society.
How should we hand the concept of terrorism? Certainly, in every situation there are two sides, but to detail with such a culture, you must should strength; anything else will show your weakness and that is a bad place to be. Presently, we have removed all our strength and those who would attack this country know that we will not do anything to stop them. Whether Obama or Bush is correct, only history will prove out where America will be in the future.
2 Timothy 4:3,4–”For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires; and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.”
Just so you think that I offer this because of a concern for our government, our nation, and our relationships with other nations who don't have the same history...Kerby's Point of View, written by Kerby Anderson.
"More profanity is on the way due in large part to the ruling of three judges in the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. They were to rule on the narrow issue of what has come to be called 'fleeting expletives.' Instead, the panel chose to rule broadly against any FCC rule against broadcast indecency. Here is the argument: 'The observation that people will always find a way to subvert censorship laws may expose a certain futility in the FCC's crusade against indecent speech.' Notice the words. The FCC rules against broadcast indecency are called 'censorship laws.' The attempt to set a standard of decency is called a 'crusade.' The judges' choice of words shows their bias against decency and their willingness to allow more profanity on our nation's airwaves..."
Christ has the answer to every situation, but so often we would rather look to ourselves as to how to address societies problems. Our problems didn't start with the election of Obama, but it may end there! Our prayer is - Lord come quickly to retrieve your children, from the mess we are in.
We can be assured that no matter how far we walk away from Him, He will always love us and desire to bring us back to Him. But there will come a point when too far is too far (Romans 1:18-32). Hopefully we haven't got there yet!