Friday, August 06, 2010

The Story: Acts 8:26-40

In the middle of a successful crusade in Samaria, Philip was called to go south into desert country. He left the city for the country, the crowds for one person, Samaritans for an African. But this was no “wild goose chase.” It never is with God. The call came from an angel and guidance came from the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:26,29).

The man Philip was to meet was an Ethiopia who worked under Candace, the queen mother. He was secretary of the treasury, and he was spiritually thirsty. In fact, he traveled 800 miles to Jerusalem to get some answers for his seeking heart. He left Jerusalem with a copy of the scroll of Isaiah. Miraculously, these two connected on the Gaza road—the eunuch in his royal chariot and Philip, perhaps, on a camel.

As Philip approached the chariot, he heard the Ethiopian reading Isaiah. Philip asked a great question, which is the key to the story: “Do you understand what you are reading?” (8:30). And the man’s response was, “How can I, unless someone guides me?” (v.31). Seekers need a guide. The Greek word for guide, hodegos, is interesting. When Peter appealed to the believers in Jerusalem to replace Judas, he identified Judas as the one who was guide to those who arrested Jesus. He guided with a kiss and a torch that illuminated the face of Jesus. But Philip was a different kind of hodegos for the eunuch as he used Isaiah to light up the face of Jesus and said, “Believe!”

Philip evangelized the Ethiopian from Isaiah 53. And the rest of the story is one of belief, baptism, and rejoicing. The eunuch returned to his homeland with his spiritual thirst quenched as he drank of the water of life (John 7:37-38).

What I want to suggest from this story is -- how many times have you felt that what you are doing is just a wast of time. If Philip thought that, what would have become of this encounter with the Ethiopian? Certainly it would have been a missed chance to share the gospel, but more than that, it would have not allow Philip to be blessed by the encounter. We all need to take time for others; allowing us to be blessed by thinking of others before ourselves. No trip will ever be a "wild goose chase" if God is involved. Think about it -- the next time you feel that your time is being wasted!